Wednesday, September 06, 2006

No Speeling

They range from amusing to inexplicable. All over China, you'll find billboards, street signs, shop fronts, clothing and product labels, all with jumbled English. Here's one from a bottle of Dynasty (it sure is nasty) red wine:
Constantly drinking this wine is good to your health
Or this stern notice at the exercise area in the courtyard outside our apartment:

Pood, prinks, and rigid objects are not allowed
And my favorite so far is this one, found on a short bridge over a pond in our aparment complex.

When Andrew saw this sign he asked, "what does that sign say?" (as he does for every sign he sees). So we told him "no speeling", to which he replied, "What happens if you speel?". Good question, Andrew...good question.

Update: my friend's wife, Olivia McCorkell, translated the Chinese characters. According to her, it says "No hurdling over".


Anonymous said...

Very funny!!! Tell us some more.

Anonymous said...