By the numbers:
- Finish time: 5 hours, 4 minutes, 25 seconds
- Overall place: 42nd out of 711 people
- Place in age group (M 35-39): 8th out of 97
- Ascent time: 3:12:17
- Average pace: 11:37 per mile
- Elevation gain: 7,815 ft
- Elevation change: 15,630 ft
- Elevation at the summit: 14,115 ft
The injury report:
- sprained left thumb
- scraped hand, knee and ankle
- stubbed toe
How does one sprain a thumb in a marathon you might ask? Well, the race goes up the single-track Barr trail, not the road as many people assume. The trail averages 11% grade with rocks, roots and steps, so running downhill on this terrain can be treacherous, especially when you're severely fatigued. I tripped going down some steps and landed on my left hand, spraining my thumb. I stumbled several other times on the downhill run.
My pre-race routine consisted of eating half a banana, one energy quark (fantastic energy food from Nutropolis), one Clif shot, and one Power gel, plus getting a 3-minute warm-up run just prior to race start.
It was a great experience and a proud accomplishment, but now I'm looking forward to a few days of R & R!